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A lot of us lawyers have at one time in our practices experienced some sort of drama in Court, from hurtful words from Judges to bickering of lawyers while conducting our cases. However, some are so hilariously sensitive that we thought we’d share.

Watch out for this space for all dramas in Court.  These are real life experiences tat never deterred the lawyers from forging ahead in their careers. So guys, If you have any experience you would love to share, a personal one or the one you may have witnessed in Court, so send to vivian@nigerianbar.ng, trust me, you would have a relief of that experience and the younger ones would learn a thing or two.

This is an experience from one of Nigeria’s most renowned lawyer. I had the best laugh 😂 evur!!!👇👇👇👇👇👇


The honourable Court was brilliant, undaunted and always took charge of his Court.

His Registrar and staff knew and liked me.

The day’s business was for hearing; hearing of a Motion Ex-parte.

The application could be moved in terms of the motion paper, not just because the application didn’t require a response from the other party or because it was non-contentious, but because of the principal relief sought by the application -an order to effect service on the other party by substituted means.

Again I say, the application could have been moved in terms of the motion paper, but His Lordship wanted me to move my application.

(He would be writing his ruling while counsel moved their application.)

The following ensued while moving my application:

*DIMGBA:* Before My Lord is a motion with Motion Number…. It is dated …and filed on…. The motion seeks the prayers as they appear on the motion paper.

In support of the application is an x-paragraph affidavit deposed to by Y. We rely on all the paragraphs of the said affidavit.

In line with the Rules of the honourable Court, we have filed a….

His Lordship interjected.

*COURT:* Do you have any exhibit?”

*DIMGBA:* No, My Lord.

The honourable Judge wrote down something after my response.

Perhaps he wrote “No exhibit.”

*DIMGBA:* Yes, My Lord. I have exhibits.

The Judge raised his head, gave me a look.

This was a Judge you were advised not to attend before if you were not prepared.

I was not a new wig; I was 7 years at the Bar as at the time in active legal practice.

However, on this day….

*DIMGBA:* (Scribbling through the small process) Two exhibits, My Lord; two exhibits.

After a few seconds…

“Three exhibits, My Lord. I’m sorry, My Lord. There are three exhibits.”

The look I got from the Judge was something I never wanted to experience again.

His look expressed his shocking disappointment in the way I was conducting my case.

Just to move a Motion Ex-parte o!

His Lordship registered my response.

Then I said further:

“My Lord, there are four exhibits. Actually, they are four, not three, My Lord.” 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

His Lordship did not say anything. He kept writing.

This was the second case of the day out of about 24 cases for that day. The courtroom was packed up with counsel and litigants and court officers.

*DIMGBA:* …In line with the Rules of the honourable Court, we have filed our written address in support of the application. It is dated …and filed on ….

We urge Your Lordship to grant our application.

We are most obliged.

Almost immediately after my last word, His Lordship delivered his bench ruling, granting the application.

I gathered my things to leave the courtroom and the next thing I heard was an order I did not pray for.

*COURT:* Sit down there. Ordinary to move a Motion Ex-parte you cannot and you want to leave. Common, sit down there, observe proceedings and learn.

Talking to no one in particular, His Lordship continued: “That’s how you know them -property merchants, CAC experts, general consultants.”

I sat down in complete docility, though not originally by choice.

Cases 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were called and dispensed with before His Lordship said to me that I could leave if I wanted.

I got up to leave and His Lordship announced to everyone: “…And he’s actually leaving!”

No sooner had I left the courtroom than I returned back to the courtroom.

I started walking slowly towards the front row with my index finger up, seeking attention with the honourable Judge.

*DIMGBA:* My Lord, please, when was my matter adjourned to?

The Judge looked at me like one that was incorrigible. He ignored me; the Registrar told me.

I appreciated him and left.

*I was bereaved, but nobody knew at work.*😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

To be continued… let me know your thoughts on the comment section.